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Victorri J. Taylor

To see full resume, click here






West Virginia University                                                                          Online coursework

M.S. Integrated Marketing Communications                                          December 2016


North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University       Greensboro, NC

B.S. Journalism & Mass Communication (Public Relations)                 May 2014



Eaton                                                                                                May 2015-November 2016

Marketing Communications Specialist Contractor 

•   Delivered key messaging, deliverables and outreach plans for various industries including data center, mining, utilities, machine building, oil and gas and healthcare with the Electrical Sector marketing communications team

•   Project managed updates of key marketing collateral and the global segments websites

•   Enabled communications by writing, editing, and promoting content including customer success stories, E-newsletters, white papers, and webcasts through social media and e-mail marketing

•   Measured engagement and leads through Google Analytics

•   Contributed to an increase of 12% in 6 months for the utility segment e-mail contacts

•   Curated and deployed data center e-newsletters to over 7,000 contacts

•   Coordinated with global marketing communications team members on planning and deploying various campaign elements, customer events and tradeshows. Organized and negotiated contracts for customer events with over 120 attendees


Partners Ending Homelessness                                                      January 2014-May 2014      

Marketing/Public Relations Intern

•   Responsible for promoting the organization’s mission in the community through media relations, event planning, social media, print and online publications.

•   Developed and executed strategic marketing plans to engage partnership through the use of fliers, brochures, and website development.

•   Established and maintained a supportive and active social media presence

•   Utilized event management programs such as Constant Contact, Survey Monkey, and Eventbrite to organize data and plan events.


Sony Music Entertainment                                                              August 2012-May 2014      

College Marketing Representative

•   Responsible for the development of breakthrough artists through the implementation of social media marketing.

•   Organized campus events in conjunction with Sony Music Entertainment to provide press for new artists; strategically distributing marketing materials in high volume areas.

•   Built and maintained professional relationships with local stores, campus press and radio in an effort to promote Sony Music and Sony affiliate label artists.

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